
We treat you for your oral and dental health problems in Ankara and its surroundings. You can view our treatments below.


Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that we apply to restore the aesthetics and function of the patient in tooth deficiency. The chance of failure is very low with the right diagnosis, correct planning, and correct treatment. It can be applied in single tooth loss as well as in areas with multiple tooth loss. In the absence of a single tooth, the implant can be applied to the tooth loss area without any operation or damaging the neighboring teeth. In an area with multiple tooth loss, it is applied in multiple numbers and movable or fixed prostheses can be made in this area.


Laminate (Laminate veneer-leaf porcelain): They are high aesthetic applications with bright and more natural tooth appearance, which are generally applied in the front group teeth. Bonding (composite laminate): the process of repairing the dental tissue with a composite filler of the same color on the same day. It can be applied to all teeth that are broken, deformed or which have an opening. Pink aesthetics (gingival aesthetics): smile design and regulating the levels of the gums alongside the teeth and making the teeth gum transitions more natural in aesthetic dentistry. Zirconium porcelains (full porcelain): Zirconium is a biocompatible substance with light transmittance in tooth color due to its structure. They are the closest aesthetic porcelain coatings to the natural tooth.


It is the science that performs the surgical treatment of the problems occurring due to any congenital or pathological or traumatic causes in soft and hard tissues in the mouth, jaw and face area. Applied treatments are, buried and erupted tooth extractions, surgical treatment of cystic and tumoral formations occurring in the jaws, treatment of soft tissue diseases occurring in the mouth area, correction of the jaw bone before prosthetic treatment, cleaning of the root tip infection (apical resection), treatment of jaw-joint disorders and implant treatment inside the jaw.


It is the process of removing the external (non-tea-coffee, etc.) and genetic discoloration occurring on the dental tissue. These are systems that are applied in two ways: office bleach (applied by your doctor in the clinic) and home bleach (applied by yourself by your doctor’s guidance).

It is the process of removing the pulp tissue of the tooth and filling the root with a biocompatible material as a result of the inflammation of the pulp tissue, which is located in the dental root canals and which ensures the nutrition of the tooth. The treatment to be applied depends on whether the tooth tissue is alive and the cause of the inflammation.



It is the treatment applied to regain the aesthetic loss caused by malocclusion, tooth loss or excess. In this way, it is ensured that the teeth and jaws come to the correct relationship with each other. It can be treated in two ways as mobile and fixed treatment. Mobile treatment: Mobile appliances, which affect the development of jaws and teeth, are used at an early age. Fixed treatment: Treatment applied by the physician which the patient cannot remove by themselves and with metal or porcelain brackets placed on the tooth. After the treatment, intraoral plates or braces are applied to prevent the teeth from returning to their original state.


It is a branch of dentistry that applies the hard and soft tissues surrounding the teeth and dental tissue and the treatments of diseases occurring in these tissues. Gum diseases are divided into two as gingivitis and periodontitis. These diseases can occur due to many factors such as systemic disease, diabetes, medications, pregnancy, menopause, stress, and malnutrition.


Dental Prostheses are artificial materials that ensure the regain of function and aesthetics by replacing the teeth lost for any reason. It is examined in two classes as fixed prostheses or mobile prostheses according to the number of teeth lost. Fixed prostheses: It is the type of prosthesis applied in cases where tooth loss is minor. It is made using natural teeth or implants. It is the most common type of prosthesis. Removable prostheses: This is the type of prosthesis we apply in cases where the number of missing teeth is high and the remaining teeth cannot provide sufficient support for the fixed prosthesis. Two types of the prosthesis can be made according to partial and complete toothlessness.


Pedodontics is a science which deals with the oral care of children and the health of their teeth beginning from birth and until they are 15 years old. In this process, the functioning and aesthetic appearance of the baby teeth in the mouth is maintained. The first task of baby teeth is to act as placeholders for permanent teeth. However, oral care should be provided to prevent problems such as swallowing and speech disorders.